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   Discussion: Prayer Request
Chester Varney · 20 years, 2 months ago
Please remember in prayer, our nations and its leaders. Especially our people in the Military.
Robin Shepher · 19 years, 11 months ago
Dwayne and Susan Gibson · 19 years, 10 months ago
Please remember Betty Bentley from Langley in your prayers.
She has had throat cancer and now has several buldging discs in her back. Also, the treatment from the cancer has dropped her weight from 130lbs to 78lbs.
Dwayne and Susan Gibson · 19 years, 10 months ago
Please remember Patricia Martin (retired teacher, wife of Lowell Martin-ACHS retired teacher) in prayer.
She had mild stoke on Thursday of last week. Her son is a good friend of my family.
Dwayen and Susan
Brenda Grimm · 19 years, 2 months ago
Please pray for my two sons they are back out in sin and thats the worse kind of SICKNESS  
Whitley Castle (anon) · 19 years, 1 month ago
Please pray fro my sister Vanessa Castle the doctors are supposed to take her baby on the 28th.
Amanda Lafferty (anon) · 18 years, 10 months ago
Please pray for me, I'm suffering from panic attacks, and I desperatley need everyone's prayer.
Susan (anon) · 18 years, 10 months ago
Like Amanda, I am requesting prayer for my panic attacks. I have had 6 in the past week and they have been pretty bad. Yesterday, I had one that lasted all day and I had all symptoms of a heart attack. Dwayne had to leave work to take me to the emergency room. After a shot of ativan, I relaxed some, but I still not fully recovered. I know people keep telling me that you aren't going to die from a panic attack, but during the time you are having one you think different. After the panic attack I usually have bouts of depression. This is just a never ending cycle and something that I pray for each and every day.
Amanda, I hope that you don't suffer from them like I do. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
God Bless and Thank you all!
ROBIN SHEPHERD (anon) · 18 years, 7 months ago
Susan (anon) · 18 years, 7 months ago

Please pray for Jordan Hughes.  He is almost four years old and has been diagnosed with another  brain tumor.  He went through surgery, chemo and radiation at age two.  He  had been going back and forth to the Cincinnati Children's Hospital every three months and had been getting good reports.  Early September showed a recurrance of a 5mm nodule.  He will be having surgery on Tuesday, September 26 at a hosptial that is associated with St. Judes in Memphis.  The doctor doing the surgery is one of 120 in the United States that is trained for this surgery.  He has done more than any other of the doctors (10 surgeries).  The tumor is located at the base of his neck.  The doctor has to put a tube in his neck because if they go over to far and his a nerve he will stop breathing.  If they go over to far the other way they may hit a nerve that will cause him to be paralyzed.

Jordan's parents are Sam and Tina Hughes and they are from Buck's Branch in Martin. 

chris shepherd (anon) · 17 years, 4 months ago
i have found out that i dont have the staph infection. I want to thank everyone who kept me in their prayers. and im glad i can return back... Sincerly
Sharon M. Whitley (anon) · 17 years, 1 month ago
Our great and eternal God said it's not good that man is alone.  Decades alone have taught me the truth of that beyond question.  Will you graciously unite with me to entreat the Lord to look upon my plight with mercy and direct a godly man to come into my life to become my cherished husband?  Thank you.
Raquel Pena (anon) · 17 years, 1 month ago
Hello and God bless you!! I would like you to help me in prayer. I will soon be taking the 1st part of the united states licensing exam. I need you to help pray for guidance, peace, wisdom, intelligence and more faith. I will be taking this exam on March 31st of this year. I really need God to do this miracle in my life. This peticion may seem small to you but it really means a great deal to me. Thank you all for understanding and coming in agreement with me. My goals as a medical doctor is to make a difference as a christian. God bless you abundantly!!
Dustan stanford (anon) · 17 years ago
hello my name is dustan i been having bad panic attacks i have a family and dont want it to keep me from them i just would love to have people pray for me i know jesus is great and he can help thank you
paul (anon) · 17 years ago
please pray that i will find some where to live
Anonymous (anon) · 16 years, 11 months ago

Dear God,

I know, I write to You a lot. And with good reason.

Lord, all I come crawling to my knees is for two things:

1.) I beg for Your forgiveness
2.) I pray for Hayley Lyons-her friendship, her love, and her Salvation

1.) I know I've sinned tremendously lately, Lord. I know. I know I have. I just pray You'll find it in Your massive, massive Heart that You'd forgive me. I drew out one tremendously long prayer to You today, Lord, but I feel as if it isn't enough. I don't think I could ever be forgiven for all that I've done...but I know I have. I just......I just feel like I need a certain feeling. A feeling that lets me know You've truly forgiven me. I'm sorry, God. I'm sorry, Jesus. Both of You-for everything. I repent. I submit. I can't do things without You. Forgive me. I'm sorry.

2.) Hayley Lyons. The girl I love. Lord, everything was great between us before she went on down to Kentucky for a fishing trip. She came back yesterday...and I haven't....she hasn't....I haven't heard a thing from her. I don't know how many texts I sent her...a lot, I know that...and I pray she's not mad that I flooded her inbox...but I just wanna talk to her. We were doing so well. We had plans for today.

...But those plans fell through. Nothing happened. I haven't heard from her. Seen her. Nothing. I don't know what I did. I pray for forgiveness. Everyone I know says to move on, forget her...but she's never pulled anything like this. She always tells me what happened if there's a long delay between our texts. Something happened. I refuse to just flatly give up.

Because I made you a vow, God. I vowed to You, my Father, that I, I, will take the torch of Salvation and guide Hayley with it. I REFUSE. FLAT OUT. TO LET SATAN GET HIS FINGERS ON HER.

I doubt there's a soul on the planet who wants to lead Hayley Lyons to Jesus-but I do. I'll take that duty. I'll take it, cradle it, love, support it, nourish it, and let it fly. God...use me. Test me. I roll up from the barracks onto the front line of the battlefield of Salvation-LET ME BE THE ONE TO LEAD HAYLEY LYONS TO JESUS.

Let me.

I won't let you down.

I just pray she texts me. Let her reply to everything I've sent. Or some of it. And let her reply, please please please please please please please, to the text I plan to send later. God, bless Hayley. Bless her with the opportunity to check her phone, clear the inbox, and reply to some of what I sent whilst she was gone. And let her recieve the text I'll send her. 10:40 is the time slot. Let her be home. If there's one thing You can bless me with, just let Hayley Lyons be home tonight.

I just care too much to let her go. I know there's a reason behind her silence. I can't just give up...especially when she can be led to Jesus.

Use me in the field, God. Jesus, let me be your representative, and you be the Realator that claims Hayley's heart as your newest sanctuary.

Please God...


In Your Name, Jesus. Thank You, Bless You,


ROCHELLE WILSON (anon) · 16 years, 10 months ago
please pray for 16 year old sister AC Bryson she has osteosarcoma(bone cancer). we are all members of the church of christ. we need a prayer chain to help her fight this disease. she is very sick right now and needs all the saints to lift her up in prayer!! thank you
Samuel Kip[sang Towei (anon) · 16 years, 9 months ago
I am Preaching at Mafuta Church Of Christ as well as teaching and being Principal in Preachers training called Mafuta Christian Training Institute in Eldoret, Kenya where I humbly ask you to Pray for me to get Financial support through your Church or any Organization in any part of the World.. My Prayer is to get if possible monthy income to support me and my family as I continue serving. Thanks Samuel Kipsang Towei, P.o. Box 140, Moiben 30104, Kenya. East Africa. Phone +254724605177
Phil (anon) · 16 years, 8 months ago
NUMBER 1 PRAYER...Pray GOD brings me my soulmate now.This is all i think about every waking moment,for 13 years...TORMENT...NUMBER 2 PRAYER...Pray GOD leads millions of people and puts it in the hearts and minds of millions of people to pray over all my online prayer requests.
jeremy (anon) · 16 years, 7 months ago
Please pray for me. I have recently committed adultery and I am scared that she might be pregnant. More so important I am afraid for my soul, im lost and I need guidance and prayers.
Fil (anon) · 16 years, 7 months ago
(Terrorist plotting against the U.S,Taliban,Bath Party officials,those caught in the battlefield fighting against U.S troops and U.S allies).Pray GOD makes all these enemies of the U.S,tell everything they know to U.S interigators and hold nothing back.....Many in the Liberal media pretends to objective and unbiased.Pray the Liberal media are shown to be what they are,biased.Pray all media that lets their liberal ideals affect their work will now have no control of themselves.Pray GOD will cause the liberal media to have no control of themselves and Pray GOD causes them great confusion and causes them to show their liberal bias to the extreme.Pray GOD causes the liberal media great cofusion and makes them look like clowns and fools...Liberals in the government deceive people and use the liberal media to cover for them.Pray GOD causes all liberals in our government to unknowingly expose the truth about themselves so people know the truth about what they are about.Pray GOD causes the liberals in our government confusion and causes them to look like fools and clowns in front of the world.
Michael (anon) · 16 years, 6 months ago

First off, Please pray that my niece mary louise is removed of a bug that is plaging her by god.Please pray she gets better and does not worsen does not need any serious treatment.
Please pray that the stomach issues that are bothering dad go away and soon and without him needing any medical treatment.
His wound has only a little bit left that isnt closed or healed.Please put all your energies and pray that this week that heals and closes and that he can get past that part once and for all. Please pray what we fear does not happen and what we wish for does. Please pray that dad improves every day and in every way and god gives him some help in some needed areas that the big guy knows about without anything serious happening,God Knows.


Fil (anon) · 16 years, 6 months ago
Please pass this Prayer Request to as many Christians and Churches as possible***(Terrorist plotting against the U.S,Taliban,Bath Party officials,those caught in the battlefield fighting against U.S troops and enemies of the U.S).When these enemies are caught by the U.S,Pray GOD makes all these enemies tell the truth about everything they know,holding nothing back when talking to U.S interigators.Pray all these enemies of the U.S are forced to tell the truth about everything they know when asked by U.S interigators,just like Demons were forced to to the truth when they were asked questions by JESUS and the apostles in the old testament.....Many in the Liberal media pretend to be objective and unbiased,but they are not objective and they are biased.Pray GOD makes all bias liberals in the media tell the truth to their American audience always.Pray they will not have any control of themselves and won't be able to deceive the American people anymore.No more covering up,and no more hiding the truth...Liberals in the government deceive people and use the liberal media to cover for them.Pray liberals in our government will not be able to lie to,or deceive the American people anymore.Pray GOD makes all liberals in our government tell the truth to the American people,no more covering up,and no more hiding the truth.Pray they will have no control over themselves and will not be able to lie, or deceive the American people no more.Pray GOD makes them tell the truth the way He makes demons tell the truth In JESUS Name.***Please pass this Prayer Request to as many Chuches and Christians as possible.***
Fox (anon) · 16 years, 5 months ago
Please pray for Roger Hartman who has liver cancer!
anon_name (anon) · 16 years, 5 months ago
Please pray for Roger Hartman who has liver cancer!
Donald Hyden (anon) · 16 years, 5 months ago
Please pray for Dallas Branham of Lancer Ky. in Lexington UK Hospital( stoke)

Fil (anon) · 16 years, 4 months ago
Pray whenever a drug addict,dealer,thief,troublemaker or criminal goes within 500 yards of Lorraines house,they will feel and think a colony of fire ants lives inside them,leaving and enterering through their mouths,noses and ears.Pray whenever a drug addict,dealer,thief,troublemaker or criminal goes within 500 yards of Lorraines house,they will see,smell,feel and think the 10 plagues of egypt and armageddon are both happening to them,and going on around them at the same time when they are within 500 yards of Lorraines house. Pray whenever a drug addict,dealer,thief,troublemaker or criminal goes within 500 yards of Lorraines house,they will feel and think their bodies are radioactive,rotten,stinky and maggot,lice,tick and flea infested when they are within 500 yards of Lorraines house.Pray whenever a drug addict,drug dealer,thief,troublemaker or criminal goes within 500 yards of Lorraines house,they will feel and think their brains are constantly trying to escape from their heads violently when within 500 yards of Lorraines house.Pray whenever a drug addict,drug dealer,thief,troublemaker,thief or criminal goes within 500 yards of Lorraines house,they will feel and think that demons are constantly standing,sitting or hanging on their bodies all the time when within 500 yards of Lorraines house.Pray whenever a drug user,addict,dealer,troublemaker,thief or criminal goes within 500 yards of Lorraines they will think they are in hell,they will see,feel and think they are also in a giant snow globe being shaken,and they will think giant demons are looking at them from outside the snow globe also when within 500 yards of Lorraines house. Pray whenever a drug user,addict,dealer,gang member,troublemaker,thief or criminal goes within 500 yards of Lorraines they will feel,see,hear and think every human spirit,animal spirit and demon in the universe are possessing their bodies one after another,constantly when within 500 yards of Lorraines house.
calvin ramsey (anon) · 16 years, 3 months ago
Hello..Please pray for me for I have fallen a lot,in struggling with personal demons..please pray that I might grow stronger in the future than I have in the past.. Thanks,Calvin
Fil (anon) · 16 years, 3 months ago
Pray whenever a drug addict,dealer,thief,troublemaker or criminal goes within 500 yards of Lorraines house,they will feel,see,hear and think that every demon in the universe is focusing their wrath on them only,when they are within 500 yards of Lorrianes house.
sad (anon) · 15 years, 9 months ago
please pray that my child will see the truth who loves him and return to his home before our family is destroyed and that he will stop lieing
Phil (anon) · 15 years, 1 month ago
Pray GOD will Bless and answer the Prayers of everyone who has Prayed or will Pray for my Prayer Request  In JESUS Name...
Please Pray this Prayer as the HOLY SPIRIT leads or Pray over the parts
of this Prayer you agree with....Please pray GOD gives me all the desires
of my heart that are righteous in GODs eyes  In JESUS Name...Pray GOD sends
me on the mission He has for me now  In JESUS Name...Pray GOD raises me a
mile above Satan and those used by Satan to glorify GOD  In JESUS
Name...Pray GOD Blesses me financially now and always  In JESUS Name...Pray
GOD heals my body completely In JESUS Name.Pray GOD brings me my soulmate
if its meant for me to be married,if its not meant for me to be married
Pray GOD takes away all desires to be with any woman  In JESUS Name
...............Please give this Prayer Request to your Prayer Warriors,church staff or do whatever you want with this prayer
request...Pray if there is any demons blocking blocking this Prayer Request,Pray
GOD will remove them from blocking this Prayer Request..Thank You very much
...Phil from California USA.
Pray everyone who reads this email that wants to be delivered from Demonic possesion and oppression,will be delivered  In JESUS Name...
This Email will continue to be sent to Ministers,Churches and Christians until the Prayer is answered.   Genesis 32:24 So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. 25 When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. 26 Then the man said, "Let me go, for it is daybreak."
      But Jacob replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me."   
Pray GOD will Bless and answer the Prayers of everyone who has Prayed or will  Pray for my Prayer Request  In JESUS Name...
Annomous (anon) · 15 years ago

Pray that God will find me a place to live with in the next four weeks. 

Rick (anon) · 15 years ago

Please pray for my Aunt Faye in Salt Lick that she'll realize that selling coal and timber off the land that's not all her's is the same as being a thief. I pray that she finds God and has her greed taken away forever.

anonymous (anon) · 14 years, 11 months ago

Please pray for muscle twitching in my legs to stop, it has been non-stop for some time now. I dont know what is causing this, twitching also occurs in other body parts off and on for some years now. Thank your for praying.

david (anon) · 14 years, 4 months ago
Lord Jesus Christ please add vigorous pain in my job so that help me to further my job contract as I now use something to cut into my body in order to keep on praying, pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, a-men. Thank God for that I can submit my prayer request here, and thank you for your prayer, may God bless you. Firstly, please pray for that my mother was cheated by Mr. Kwong, Mr Ho, Hin Chai and Anna years before, she went to a company and worked as an Office assistant, but they cheated my mother, and compelled my mother to give her money out to them(they cheated my mother that the money was used for investment, and the investment was failured), and went away, thank God for that the policemen arrested Mr. Kwong now, but the Mr. Ho , Hin Chai and Anna were still not arrested, please pray for that God can help the policemen in the investigation, and find the evidence to accuse the Mr. Kwong and his helper in the judiciary court, thank God for that the policemen sent us several letters till now about that the investigation is in the progressing, please pray for that God can move their heart, Mr. Kwong , Mr. Ho, Hin Chai and Anna will regret about that they cheated my mother, and they can have pity on my mother , and return the money back to my mother , thank you. Secondly, (1) thank God for that now I have taken in the psychological medicines, please pray for that God can protect me from the side effect of psychological medicines, my mother will not place the psychological medicines into my food, I can forgive my family members if they place the psychological medicines into my food, and please pray for that my family members and I will not hurt by my bosses, and will not suffer a loss at the judgement day. and please pray for that my mother and I can use all our spare time (holidays) to study bible,, distribute the gospel pamphlets and pray, so that we can have spiritual growth up and I can further my contract. (2)Please pray for that my mother, brother , sister and I can have safety during working hour, please pray for that God can protect my family members and I to have a job. (3)Please pray for that my parents could have goood relationship between each other, my father will not want to divorce with my mother; (4) Please pray for that I now use a sharp things to cut into my skin in order that I can keep on praying, (5) Please pray for that I can restore my psychological health, because I am always blame myself about the sins I committed before, I am afraid that God will punish me about the sins I committed before, please pray for that I can have biblical mind to know will God punish me one day or not, so that I can live out good witnesses and have peace to face the punishment from God one day, and please pray for that God can forgive me. (6) Please pray for and thank God for that I will not be suffered in the marital problems, so that I can seek the kingdom and the righteousness of God first, and have a spiritual growth up, and I will not regret about the decision I made in this marriage this life, that I will only choose the Christian girlfriend that was arranged by God, please pray for that if God had not prepare a Christian girlfriend for me, help me to keep alone whole life, so that I will not be hurt again in order that I can restore my psychological health and have a spiritual growth up. (7)Please pray for that the son of my brother will not hurt himself, my brother and my sister will not be suffered in the marital problems , my sister can have good psychological health, and we can maintain a good relationship, we will not be hurt by the husband of my sister and the wife of my brother, so that my mother and I can help my sister and my brother to accept the Jesus. (8)Please pray for that I can continue submit my prayer requests and study bible from the net, so that my mother and I can firmly believe in the bible ,and we can have assurance of the salvation. And please pray for that we will not suffer a loss in the Lord's Judgement Day, thank God for that I can keep on use mind or mouth to pray in the office , please pray for that God can keep my stomach health if I pray with fasting for too long time, and please pray for that God can keep me not to hurt myself if I undergo stress because I found some blood come out of my body nowadays, please pray for that God can keep me if I need to see a doctor, please pray for that God can help me not to bleeding inside my body and I can restore my health, and please pray for that I can not only keep on use mouth to pray in the office but also in the whole life time, God can keep my health when I pray too vigorous, and I can pray at mid-night , and my mother and I can go to the church where God prepared for us and donate our money there in the will of God, so that we can have spiritual growth up , please pray for that I can maintain a good psychological and body health, and can keep on pray with heart this life, and please pray for that I will not suffer from disease ( such as heart disease) if I pray too vigorous. (9)Please pray for that my family members and I can have place to live and food to eat and we can have safety in using electricity and fire, pray for my sister that she want to born a baby, please keep her health and baby's health, and please pray for that we can apply for compassionate rehousing in God's will, may God have mercy upon my family members. (10) Please pray for that when I distributing the gospel pamphlets in the mainland China, the policemen come to me, and write down my Identity Card number, please pray for that God can help me to tackle with it. (11) Please pray for that I hurt my skin in order to keep on praying, please pray for that I can keep on pray with hurt my skin and will not infected by the SARS or other viruses.(12)Please pray for that my brother will not go on drinking the wine and gambling, and please pray for that when his wife want to divorce with him, he will not have some irrational thoughts, such as commit suicide or hurt himself or do some hurtful things . so that he will not be arrested by the policemen. (13) Please pray for that God can add my pain, so that I can be purified, and help me to have spiritual growth up, and please pray for that my family members and I will not be hurt by my colleagues, classmates, church members and friends include Christian colleagues, so that they can be helpful for me to live out a good witness before my family members, my grandmother, my father, my sister, my brother and my relatives can all accept the Jesus Christ, and my mother and I can have a spiritual growth up and can strenghthen our faith. And I am sorry for any inconvinience I made to submit my prayer request here. Pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, a-men.

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