She has had throat cancer and now has several buldging discs in her back. Also, the treatment from the cancer has dropped her weight from 130lbs to 78lbs.

She had mild stoke on Thursday of last week. Her son is a good friend of my family.
Dwayen and Susan

Amanda, I hope that you don't suffer from them like I do. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
God Bless and Thank you all!

Please pray for Jordan Hughes. He is almost four years old and has been diagnosed with another brain tumor. He went through surgery, chemo and radiation at age two. He had been going back and forth to the Cincinnati Children's Hospital every three months and had been getting good reports. Early September showed a recurrance of a 5mm nodule. He will be having surgery on Tuesday, September 26 at a hosptial that is associated with St. Judes in Memphis. The doctor doing the surgery is one of 120 in the United States that is trained for this surgery. He has done more than any other of the doctors (10 surgeries). The tumor is located at the base of his neck. The doctor has to put a tube in his neck because if they go over to far and his a nerve he will stop breathing. If they go over to far the other way they may hit a nerve that will cause him to be paralyzed.
Jordan's parents are Sam and Tina Hughes and they are from Buck's Branch in Martin.

Dear God,
I know, I write to You a lot. And with good reason.
Lord, all I come crawling to my knees is for two things:
1.) I beg for Your forgiveness
2.) I pray for Hayley Lyons-her friendship, her love, and her Salvation
1.) I know I've sinned tremendously lately, Lord. I know. I know I have. I just pray You'll find it in Your massive, massive Heart that You'd forgive me. I drew out one tremendously long prayer to You today, Lord, but I feel as if it isn't enough. I don't think I could ever be forgiven for all that I've done...but I know I have. I just......I just feel like I need a certain feeling. A feeling that lets me know You've truly forgiven me. I'm sorry, God. I'm sorry, Jesus. Both of You-for everything. I repent. I submit. I can't do things without You. Forgive me. I'm sorry.
2.) Hayley Lyons. The girl I love. Lord, everything was great between us before she went on down to Kentucky for a fishing trip. She came back yesterday...and I haven't....she hasn't....I haven't heard a thing from her. I don't know how many texts I sent her...a lot, I know that...and I pray she's not mad that I flooded her inbox...but I just wanna talk to her. We were doing so well. We had plans for today.
...But those plans fell through. Nothing happened. I haven't heard from her. Seen her. Nothing. I don't know what I did. I pray for forgiveness. Everyone I know says to move on, forget her...but she's never pulled anything like this. She always tells me what happened if there's a long delay between our texts. Something happened. I refuse to just flatly give up.
Because I made you a vow, God. I vowed to You, my Father, that I, I, will take the torch of Salvation and guide Hayley with it. I REFUSE. FLAT OUT. TO LET SATAN GET HIS FINGERS ON HER.
I doubt there's a soul on the planet who wants to lead Hayley Lyons to Jesus-but I do. I'll take that duty. I'll take it, cradle it, love, support it, nourish it, and let it fly. God...use me. Test me. I roll up from the barracks onto the front line of the battlefield of Salvation-LET ME BE THE ONE TO LEAD HAYLEY LYONS TO JESUS.
Let me.
I won't let you down.
I just pray she texts me. Let her reply to everything I've sent. Or some of it. And let her reply, please please please please please please please, to the text I plan to send later. God, bless Hayley. Bless her with the opportunity to check her phone, clear the inbox, and reply to some of what I sent whilst she was gone. And let her recieve the text I'll send her. 10:40 is the time slot. Let her be home. If there's one thing You can bless me with, just let Hayley Lyons be home tonight.
I just care too much to let her go. I know there's a reason behind her silence. I can't just give up...especially when she can be led to Jesus.
Use me in the field, God. Jesus, let me be your representative, and you be the Realator that claims Hayley's heart as your newest sanctuary.
Please God...
In Your Name, Jesus. Thank You, Bless You,

First off, Please pray that my niece mary louise is removed of a bug that is plaging her by god.Please pray she gets better and does not worsen does not need any serious treatment.
Please pray that the stomach issues that are bothering dad go away and soon and without him needing any medical treatment.
His wound has only a little bit left that isnt closed or healed.Please put all your energies and pray that this week that heals and closes and that he can get past that part once and for all. Please pray what we fear does not happen and what we wish for does. Please pray that dad improves every day and in every way and god gives him some help in some needed areas that the big guy knows about without anything serious happening,God Knows.

Please Pray this Prayer as the HOLY SPIRIT leads or Pray over the parts of this Prayer you agree with....Please pray GOD gives me all the desires of my heart that are righteous in GODs eyes In JESUS Name...Pray GOD sends me on the mission He has for me now In JESUS Name...Pray GOD raises me a mile above Satan and those used by Satan to glorify GOD In JESUS Name...Pray GOD Blesses me financially now and always In JESUS Name...Pray GOD heals my body completely In JESUS Name.Pray GOD brings me my soulmate if its meant for me to be married,if its not meant for me to be married Pray GOD takes away all desires to be with any woman In JESUS Name ...............Please give this Prayer Request to your Prayer Warriors,church staff or do whatever you want with this prayer request...Pray if there is any demons blocking blocking this Prayer Request,Pray GOD will remove them from blocking this Prayer Request..Thank You very much ...Phil from California USA. Pray everyone who reads this email that wants to be delivered from Demonic possesion and oppression,will be delivered In JESUS Name... |
But Jacob replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me."
Pray GOD will Bless and answer the Prayers of everyone who has Prayed or will Pray for my Prayer Request In JESUS Name...

Pray that God will find me a place to live with in the next four weeks.

Please pray for my Aunt Faye in Salt Lick that she'll realize that selling coal and timber off the land that's not all her's is the same as being a thief. I pray that she finds God and has her greed taken away forever.

Please pray for muscle twitching in my legs to stop, it has been non-stop for some time now. I dont know what is causing this, twitching also occurs in other body parts off and on for some years now. Thank your for praying.

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